Unraveling the Mystery: Is Heroku’s ClearDB MySQL Only Available as Version 5.7?
Image by Rylina - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Is Heroku’s ClearDB MySQL Only Available as Version 5.7?

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As a developer, you’re likely no stranger to the world of cloud-based database solutions. Heroku’s ClearDB is one such service that offers a scalable and secure way to manage your MySQL databases. But have you ever wondered, is ClearDB’s MySQL only available as version 5.7? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of ClearDB and uncover the truth behind this question.

The Evolution of ClearDB

To understand the current state of ClearDB, let’s take a step back and explore its evolution. ClearDB was launched in 2011 as a cloud-based MySQL database service, designed specifically for Heroku’s platform. Since then, it has undergone significant transformations, adapting to the changing needs of developers and the mushrooming growth of cloud computing.

One of the primary reasons behind ClearDB’s popularity is its seamless integration with Heroku, allowing developers to focus on building their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. But as MySQL continued to evolve, ClearDB faced the challenge of keeping pace with the latest versions.

The 5.7 Conundrum

So, is ClearDB’s MySQL only available as version 5.7? The short answer is, yes. At the time of writing this article, ClearDB’s MySQL is indeed stuck on version 5.7. But why is that? To understand this, let’s examine the reasons behind this decision.

MySQL 5.7 was a major release, offering significant performance and security enhancements over its predecessors. It’s no surprise that ClearDB chose to standardize on this version, given its stability and reliability. However, as MySQL continued to release new versions (5.8, 8.0, and beyond), ClearDB failed to keep pace.

There are several reasons for this delay, including:

  • Backward compatibility: ClearDB’s focus on maintaining compatibility with existing applications and Heroku’s infrastructure might have hindered its ability to adopt newer versions.
  • Stability and reliability: ClearDB prioritizes stability and reliability over bleeding-edge features, which might have led to a more cautious approach when it comes to upgrading to newer MySQL versions.
  • Resource constraints: As a service, ClearDB has limited resources, which might have restricted their ability to invest in upgrading to newer MySQL versions.

What Does This Mean for Developers?

So, what does this mean for developers like you who rely on ClearDB for their MySQL needs? While having only version 5.7 might seem limiting, there are still plenty of benefits to using ClearDB. Here are a few:


  • Stability and reliability: ClearDB’s focus on version 5.7 ensures that you can rely on a stable and reliable MySQL instance.
  • Seamless integration: ClearDB’s tight integration with Heroku means you can focus on building your application without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
  • Scalability: ClearDB’s cloud-based architecture allows you to scale your MySQL instance according to your needs.


  • Limited feature set: By only supporting version 5.7, you might miss out on newer features and enhancements introduced in later MySQL versions.
  • Incompatibility with modern applications: If your application requires features or functionality introduced in newer MySQL versions, you might face compatibility issues.

Workarounds and Alternatives

If you’re concerned about the limitations of ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7, don’t worry – there are workarounds and alternatives you can explore:


  • Use a different MySQL provider: If you’re not tied to Heroku, you can explore other MySQL providers that offer newer versions, such as Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL.
  • Containerization: Use containerization tools like Docker to run a newer version of MySQL alongside your application.


  • Aurora MySQL: Amazon’s MySQL-compatible database service, offering newer versions of MySQL and better performance.
  • Google Cloud SQL: Google’s managed database service, providing newer versions of MySQL and seamless integration with Google Cloud Platform.


While ClearDB’s decision to stick with MySQL 5.7 might seem limiting, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If you’re already invested in the Heroku ecosystem, ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7 might still be a viable option. However, if you require newer features or better performance, it’s worth exploring alternative solutions.

As the cloud computing landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest developments and adjust your strategy accordingly. Will ClearDB eventually upgrade to newer versions of MySQL? Only time will tell. But for now, being aware of the limitations and alternatives will help you make informed decisions for your projects.

 MySQL 5.7 might be the current ceiling for ClearDB, but the future holds endless possibilities.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is ClearDB’s MySQL only available as version 5.7?
A: Yes, at the time of writing, ClearDB’s MySQL is only available as version 5.7.
Q: Why did ClearDB choose to stick with MySQL 5.7?
A: ClearDB prioritizes stability and reliability, and MySQL 5.7 offers a stable and reliable platform.
Q: What are the limitations of using ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7?
A: By using ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7, you might miss out on newer features and enhancements introduced in later MySQL versions.
Q: Are there workarounds or alternatives to ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7?
A: Yes, you can explore alternative MySQL providers, use containerization tools, or consider services like Aurora MySQL or Google Cloud SQL.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, ClearDB’s MySQL 5.7 might be a limitation, but it’s not a showstopper. By understanding the reasons behind this decision and exploring alternative solutions, you can make informed decisions for your projects. Remember, the world of cloud computing is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to stay adaptable and open to change.

So, the next time you’re wondering if ClearDB’s MySQL is only available as version 5.7, you’ll know the answer – and what to do about it.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Heroku’s ClearDB MySQL version mystery!

Is Heroku’s ClearDB MySQL only available as version 5.7?

Yes, that’s correct! Heroku’s ClearDB MySQL is currently only available as version 5.7. So, if you’re looking to use a more recent version, you might need to explore alternative solutions.

Why is Heroku stuck on MySQL 5.7?

Good question! The reason Heroku hasn’t updated to a newer version is due to compatibility issues with certain applications and frameworks. They’re working on it, though!

Will Heroku ever support newer MySQL versions?

The answer is yes! Heroku is planning to support newer MySQL versions in the future, but no ETA has been announced yet. Stay tuned for updates!

Can I use a different MySQL version on Heroku?

Technically, no. However, you can use an external MySQL service that supports newer versions, like AWS RDS or Google Cloud SQL. Just be aware of potential latency and integration issues.

What are the implications of using MySQL 5.7 on Heroku?

Using MySQL 5.7 on Heroku might limit your application’s performance and scalability. Additionally, it might expose you to known security vulnerabilities. Be sure to weigh the risks and consider alternative options.

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