Solving the Puzzle: Problem Parsing JSON Objects with Oatpp when Multiple JSON Objects are Defined
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Solving the Puzzle: Problem Parsing JSON Objects with Oatpp when Multiple JSON Objects are Defined

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Oatpp, a high-performance web framework for C++, can sometimes throw a curveball when dealing with JSON objects. One such challenge is parsing JSON objects when multiple objects are defined. In this article, we’ll dive into the depths of this problem, explore its causes, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to tackle it.

The Problem Statement

When working with Oatpp, you might encounter an issue where parsing JSON objects with multiple definitions fails. This can occur when you have a JSON payload containing multiple objects, and you’re trying to deserialize it into a C++ object using Oatpp’s JSON deserialization feature.

  "object1": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Object 1"
  "object2": {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Object 2"

The above JSON payload contains two objects, `object1` and `object2`, each with their own properties. When trying to parse this payload using Oatpp, you might encounter an error, such as:

Error: Failed to parse JSON object: Expected a single JSON object, but got multiple objects

The Cause of the Problem

The root cause of this issue lies in the way Oatpp’s JSON deserialization works. By default, Oatpp expects a single JSON object in the payload. When multiple objects are present, Oatpp gets confused and throws an error.

What Oatpp Expects

Oatpp’s JSON deserialization feature is designed to work with a single JSON object per payload. When you define a JSON object in your C++ code, Oatpp expects to find a matching JSON object in the payload.

// C++ code
struct MyObject {
  v_int32 id;
  String name;

// Corresponding JSON object
  "id": 1,
  "name": "My Object"

Solving the Problem: Approach 1 – Using an Array of Objects

One way to solve this problem is to wrap the multiple objects in a JSON array.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Object 1"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Object 2"

Then, you can define a C++ vector to hold the array of objects:

// C++ code
#include "oatpp/parser/json/mapping/Object.hpp"

class MyObjects {
  std::vector<MyObject> objects;

  struct MyObject {
    v_int32 id;
    String name;

In this approach, Oatpp will deserialize the JSON array into a vector of `MyObject` objects, which can be accessed and processed accordingly.

Solving the Problem: Approach 2 – Using a Wrapper Object

Another approach is to define a wrapper object that contains the multiple objects as properties.

  "object1": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Object 1"
  "object2": {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Object 2"

In this case, you can define a C++ wrapper object to hold the multiple objects:

// C++ code
#include "oatpp/parser/json/mapping/Object.hpp"

class MyWrapper {
  MyObject object1;
  MyObject object2;

  struct MyObject {
    v_int32 id;
    String name;

Oatpp will deserialize the JSON payload into the `MyWrapper` object, which contains the `object1` and `object2` objects as properties.

Benefits of Using a Wrapper Object

Using a wrapper object has several benefits:

  • It allows you to maintain a clear and structured data model in your C++ code.
  • It enables you to access and process the individual objects using a unified interface.
  • It provides a flexible and scalable solution for handling complex JSON payloads.

Best Practices for Parsing JSON Objects with Oatpp

To avoid common pitfalls when parsing JSON objects with Oatpp, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent data model: Ensure that your C++ data model matches the structure of the JSON payload.
  2. Define a clear and concise JSON schema: Use a well-defined JSON schema to simplify the deserialization process.
  3. Avoid ambiguity: Use unique property names and avoid ambiguity in your JSON schema.
  4. Use Oatpp’s built-in features: Leverage Oatpp’s built-in features, such as JSON deserialization and serialization, to simplify your development process.


Parsing JSON objects with Oatpp when multiple objects are defined can be a challenging task. However, by using the approaches outlined in this article, you can overcome this obstacle and efficiently deserialize complex JSON payloads into C++ objects. Remember to follow best practices and maintain a clear and structured data model to ensure seamless JSON deserialization with Oatpp.

Approach Description
Using an Array of Objects Wrap multiple objects in a JSON array and deserialize into a vector of objects.
Using a Wrapper Object Define a wrapper object that contains multiple objects as properties.

By applying these solutions and following best practices, you’ll be able to parse JSON objects with Oatpp like a pro, even when dealing with multiple objects in a single payload!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with parsing JSON objects using Oatpp? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to resolve your JSON parsing woes.

Why does Oatpp throw an error when parsing multiple JSON objects in a single string?

Oatpp expects a single JSON object per string. When you try to parse multiple objects, it throws an error because it doesn’t know where one object ends and the next begins. To fix this, you can wrap your multiple objects in an array or an object, and then parse that.

How do I parse an array of JSON objects using Oatpp?

To parse an array of JSON objects, you need to define a DTO (Data Transfer Object) that represents the array. For example, you can create a `JsonArrayDto` with a field of type `std::vector`. Then, use Oatpp’s `parser::JsonParser` to parse the JSON string into your `JsonArrayDto` object.

Can I use Oatpp to parse JSON objects with dynamic keys?

Yes, you can use Oatpp to parse JSON objects with dynamic keys. Oatpp supports parsing JSON objects with arbitrary keys using the `json::ValueTree` type. You can define a DTO with a field of type `json::ValueTree`, and then use Oatpp’s `parser::JsonParser` to parse the JSON string into that field.

How do I handle errors when parsing JSON objects with Oatpp?

Oatpp provides a built-in error handling mechanism for JSON parsing. When parsing fails, Oatpp throws a `parser::JsonParserException` with a detailed error message. You can catch this exception and handle the error accordingly. Additionally, you can use Oatpp’s `parser::JsonParser::parseWithErrorCode` method to get the error code and message in case of parsing failure.

Can I customize the JSON parsing behavior in Oatpp?

Yes, you can customize the JSON parsing behavior in Oatpp using various configuration options. For example, you can set the parsing mode to be more relaxed or strict, configure the parser to ignore certain errors, or even provide custom serialization and deserialization logic using Oatpp’s extensibility features.

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