Conquering the PYSPARK Enigma: Resolving the Elusive “ failed to run at 2nd run” Error
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Conquering the PYSPARK Enigma: Resolving the Elusive “ failed to run at 2nd run” Error

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Are you tired of wrestling with the infamous “ failed to run at 2nd run” error in PySpark? Do you find yourself stuck in an endless loop of frustration, scratching your head, and wondering what went wrong? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depths of PySpark, explore the roots of this notorious error, and provide you with concrete solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the Problem

The “ failed to run at 2nd run” error typically occurs when you attempt to run the command multiple times on the same PySpark Dataframe (df). This puzzling phenomenon has left many developers distraught, wondering why their code worked flawlessly the first time around, only to fail miserably on subsequent runs.

Culprits Behind the Curtain

The primary culprits behind this error are:

  • Limited Resources**: PySpark’s lazy evaluation mechanism can lead to resource exhaustion, causing the error.
  • Caching Issues**: Inadequate caching or cache invalidation can result in the error.
  • Dataframe State**: The state of the dataframe can become inconsistent, triggering the error.

Solutions to Conquer the Error

Now that we’ve identified the culprits, let’s explore the solutions to overcome the “ failed to run at 2nd run” error:

Solution 1: Increase Resources

PySpark’s resource allocation can be tweaked to mitigate the error:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .master("local[4]") \
    .appName("My App") \
    .config("spark.driver.memory", "8g") \
    .config("spark.executor.memory", "8g") \

By increasing the driver and executor memory, you can reduce the likelihood of resource exhaustion.

Solution 2: Cache Your Dataframe

Caching your dataframe can help avoid recomputation and reduce the error’s occurrence:


Make sure to uncache the dataframe when you’re done to release resources:


Solution 3: Use checkpoint() Instead of cache()

If caching doesn’t work, try using the checkpoint() method:


This method forces Spark to materialize the dataframe, reducing the error’s likelihood.

Solution 4: Create a New Dataframe

Creating a new dataframe from the original one can sometimes resolve the issue:

new_df ="*")

Solution 5: Restart Your SparkSession

As a last resort, restart your SparkSession to reset the environment:

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

This will reset the SparkSession, clearing any existing state and allowing you to start fresh.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

To further debug and troubleshoot the error, follow these additional tips:

  1. Verify Your Data**: Ensure your data is correctly loaded and formatted.
  2. Check Spark UI**: Monitor the Spark UI to identify performance bottlenecks and resource usage.
  3. Run in Local Mode**: Test your code in local mode to isolate the issue.
  4. Upgrade PySpark**: Ensure you’re running the latest version of PySpark.
  5. Read Spark Logs**: Analyze Spark logs to identify any underlying errors or issues.


The “ failed to run at 2nd run” error in PySpark can be a frustrating experience, but by understanding the root causes and implementing the solutions outlined above, you can overcome this obstacle and continue developing your PySpark applications with confidence.

Solution Description
Increase Resources Adjust PySpark’s resource allocation to reduce resource exhaustion.
Cache Your Dataframe Cache your dataframe to avoid recomputation and reduce error occurrence.
Use checkpoint() Instead of cache() Force Spark to materialize the dataframe using the checkpoint() method.
Create a New Dataframe Create a new dataframe from the original one to bypass the error.
Restart Your SparkSession Reset the SparkSession environment by stopping and recreating it.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and patience is a virtue. Don’t be afraid to experiment and combine these solutions to resolve the “ failed to run at 2nd run” error in PySpark.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of PySpark!

Frequently Asked Question

PySpark got you down? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to common PySpark conundrums, starting with the pesky “ failed to run at 2nd run” error.

Why does fail to run at the second attempt?

The infamous “ failed to run at 2nd run” error! This happens because PySpark’s SQLContext is not thread-safe, and when you try to run again, it’s trying to reuse the same context, which has already been closed. Solution? Simply create a new SparkSession or SQLContext before running again!

Is there a way to force PySpark to reuse the existing SparkContext?

While it’s not recommended, you can try setting the SparkContext to None before running again. This will force PySpark to recreate the context. However, be warned: this can lead to performance issues and is not recommended for production environments.

Can I use df.cache() to avoid this issue?

Caching your DataFrame using df.cache() can help, but it’s not a foolproof solution. While caching will materialize the DataFrame, it won’t guarantee that the SparkContext will be preserved. You still might encounter the “ failed to run at 2nd run” error. Use with caution!

What’s the best practice to avoid this error?

The best approach is to create a new SparkSession or SQLContext for each execution of This ensures a fresh context and avoids any potential issues. Additionally, make sure to stop the SparkSession when you’re done to free up resources.

Is there a PySpark configuration that can help?

You can try setting spark.ui.showConsoleProgress to false in your Spark configuration. This will disable the console progress meter, which can interfere with the SparkContext. However, this is just a workaround, and creating a new SparkSession remains the recommended approach.