I Can’t Init My WebClient in a Test with Mockito: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving the Problem
Image by Rylina - hkhazo.biz.id

I Can’t Init My WebClient in a Test with Mockito: A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving the Problem

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Are you frustrated with trying to initialize your WebClient in a test using Mockito? You’re not alone! Many developers face this issue, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to overcome this hurdle and successfully initialize your WebClient in a test using Mockito.

What’s the Problem?

The problem arises when you try to create a mock object for the WebClient class using Mockito. The WebClient class is a final class in Java, which makes it impossible to create a mock object using Mockito’s default behavior. Mockito can only create mock objects for non-final classes, interfaces, or abstract classes.

Understanding the WebClient Class

The WebClient class is a part of the java.net package and provides a way to send HTTP requests and interact with web servers. It’s a powerful tool for making web requests, but its final nature makes it challenging to work with in unit tests.

Solutions to Initialize WebClient in a Test with Mockito

Don’t worry, we’re about to dive into three different solutions to overcome this problem. Each solution has its pros and cons, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

Solution 1: Using PowerMockito

PowerMockito is a popular library that extends Mockito’s functionality to allow mocking of final classes and methods. To use PowerMockito, you’ll need to add the following dependencies to your pom.xml file:


Once you’ve added the dependencies, you can use PowerMockito to create a mock object for the WebClient class:

public class WebClientTest {
    private WebClient webClient;

    public void setup() {

    public void testWebClient() {
        // Use the mock WebClient object
        WebClient mockWebClient = Mockito.mock(WebClient.class);
        // ...

Solution 2: Using a Wrapper Class

A wrapper class is a custom class that encapsulates the WebClient class and provides a way to mock its behavior. Here’s an example:

public class WebClientWrapper {
    private WebClient webClient;

    public WebClientWrapper(WebClient webClient) {
        this.webClient = webClient;

    public void sendRequest(String url) {

You can then create a mock object for the WebClientWrapper class using Mockito:

private WebClientWrapper webClientWrapper;

public void testWebClient() {
    // Use the mock WebClientWrapper object
    // ...

Solution 3: Using an Interface and a Factory Method

This solution involves creating an interface for the WebClient class and a factory method to create instances of the interface.

public interface WebClientInterface {
    void sendRequest(String url);
public class WebClientFactory {
    public static WebClientInterface createWebClient() {
        return new WebClient();

You can then create a mock object for the WebClientInterface using Mockito:

private WebClientInterface webClient;

public void testWebClient() {
    // Use the mock WebClientInterface object
    // ...


In this article, we’ve covered three solutions to initialize WebClient in a test with Mockito. Each solution has its pros and cons, and the choice of solution depends on your specific use case. Whether you choose to use PowerMockito, a wrapper class, or an interface and factory method, you can now successfully mock the WebClient class in your unit tests.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with Mockito and WebClient:

  • Use Mockito’s annotations**: Mockito provides a range of annotations, such as @Mock, @Spy, and @Captor, to make your tests more readable and concise.
  • Use a mocking framework for HTTP requests**: Consider using a mocking framework like WireMock or OkHttp’s MockWebServer to mock HTTP requests and responses.
  • Test your WebClient configuration**: Make sure to test your WebClient configuration, such as the timeout settings and proxy configurations.
  • Use a test-specific WebClient instance**: Create a test-specific instance of the WebClient class to ensure that your tests don’t interfere with each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about initializing WebClient in a test with Mockito:

Question Answer
Why can’t I create a mock object for the WebClient class using Mockito? The WebClient class is a final class, which makes it impossible to create a mock object using Mockito’s default behavior.
What is PowerMockito? PowerMockito is a library that extends Mockito’s functionality to allow mocking of final classes and methods.
How do I choose the best solution for my use case? Consider the complexity of your WebClient usage, the size of your test suite, and the maintainability of your codebase when choosing a solution.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you overcome the challenge of initializing WebClient in a test with Mockito. Happy testing!

  1. Mockito Documentation
  2. PowerMockito GitHub Repository
  3. JavaDoc for WebClient Class

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common troubles when initializing a web client in a test with Mockito!

Why can’t I init my WebClient in a test with Mockito?

The most common reason is that WebClient is not being properly mocked. Make sure to use `@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)` and `@Mock` annotations to enable Mockito’s functionality. Also, don’t forget to inject the mock into the WebClient builder.

How do I properly mock WebClient’s builder?

Use `@Mock` annotation on the WebClient builder instance, and then use `when()` method to specify the behavior of the builder. For example: `when(webClientBuilder.build()).thenReturn(mockWebClient);`.

What if I’m using a WebClient instance directly in my code?

In that case, you’ll need to refactor your code to use a WebClient builder instead. This will allow you to easily mock the WebClient instance in your test. Consider injecting the WebClient instance through a constructor or a method parameter.

Can I use Mockito’s ` spy()` method to mock WebClient?

Yes, you can use `spy()` method to create a partial mock of WebClient. However, be careful when using `spy()` as it can lead to unexpected behavior if not used correctly. Make sure to read Mockito’s documentation and understand the implications of using `spy()`.

What if I’m still having trouble initializing WebClient in my test?

Don’t worry! Take a closer look at your code and Mockito configuration. Make sure that you’re using the correct annotations, and that your mock is properly set up. If all else fails, try debugging your test or seeking help from a fellow developer or online resources.